Friday, March 23, 2012

The Tenth Cirle by Jodi Picoult

I’ve been really busy for couple of days however I still try to catch up with this book. First, I want to thank my friend, Jeff for lending me this interesting book with a great twist of story. The author seems to be unfamiliar (well Jeff likes unfamiliar author) yet when I try to search all of her books in the website; there I find out that she also wrote My Sister’s Keeper. I definitely love the movie. It’s like it’s-a-matter-of-life-and-death situation.  I totally want to have and read all of her books too. But I guess, I have to do it one book at a time. Anyway, I almost finished reading “The Tent Circle”. Hope I could finish it before the end of the month. Here’s a short synopsis about The Tenth Circle.

When Daniel Stone was a child, he was the only white boy in a native Eskimo village where his mother taught, and he was teased mercilessly because he was different. He fought back, the baddest of the bad kids: stealing, drinking, robbing and cheating his way out of the Alaskan bush – where he honed his artistic talent, fell in love with a girl and got her pregnant. To become part of a family, he reinvented himself – jettisoning all that anger to become a docile, devoted husband and father. 

Fifteen years later, when we meet Daniel again, he is a comic book artist. His wife teaches Dante’s Inferno at a local college; his daughter, Trixie, is the light of his life – and a girl who only knows her father as the even-tempered, mild-mannered man he has been her whole life. Until, that is, she is date raped…and Daniel finds himself struggling, again, with powerlessness and a rage that may not just swallow him whole, but destroy his family and his future. 


  1. I love Jodi Picoult! I haven't read this book yet, but reading the synopsis got me really interested :) Thanks for this post! :)

    Kisses! xxx

  2. Hi Mara, it's actually a good read. I have 2 or 3 chapters left. Hope you could read it too!

    Thanks for dropping by!


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